There are four elements to the ViMax System for penis enlargement and sexual enhancement. The first is the Vimax Extender. It's a stretching device that you lay your penis into. It has been clinically tested and works like a charm. You have to wear it for a long time but the results are unassailable and you'll get the bigger penis you crave. The Vimax Pills are all-natural and made up of ingredients proven to help the penis grow. They enhance your sexuality too. Liquid RX is designed for pure sexual enhancement. It promotes better erections, more pleasurable orgasms, and more. The final component is an exercise program that you do on a daily basis to increase your length and produce more semen.
The ViMax System is essentially overkill. They're taking most of the different penis enlargement methods available and wrapping them all into one. It's for the guys that really want to make sure they get the increased length they crave or the guys that simply can't decide. The price is exceptionally reasonable. For the extender, two bottles of the pills, one bottle of the liquid, and the exercise program you pay only $213. There are programs that just offer the extender and ask you to pay more than $400. You can order more bottles of pills or the Liquid RX if you want. They offer a six month money back guarantee as well. If you try the product for the full six months and you don't like the results you can get a refund.
$173.75 | with 1 Vimax and LiquidRX bottle | |
$441.05 | with 6 Vimax and 3 LiquidRX bottles |
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